中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

  香港出生,八歲移居加拿大,自幼習鋼琴,一九九四年起,兼習揚琴,啟蒙老師為夏薇青,一九九六年開始,隨移居當地的洪聖茂及郭敏清老師繼續學習,一九九四至二○○○年間,多次赴中國進修,得到揚琴名家張高翔、李玲玲等的指導,獲益良多。一九九五年,獲加拿大多倫多大型音樂節Kiwanis Music Festival 首屆[非西方樂器組]比賽冠軍(此為加拿大唯一認可的中國器樂比賽),至一九九七年間,四奪冠軍,最後更獲全組總冠軍。二○○○年,進行首張個人專輯唱片的錄音。近年積極參加與各中西音樂會演出及慈善公益之籌款活動,被譽為不可多得的青年音樂家。除了在海外推動中國文化方面作出實際努力外,並為海外青年一代起著鼓勵的作用。

TAM Ka-Fai, Tony

Tony was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Canada when he was eight years old. He commenced his yangqin lessons with Miss Vivian XIA in 1994. He then furthered his yangqin trainings with Professors HONG Shing-Mao and GUO Min-qin of the Shanghai Conservatory. Throughout the years, Tony visited China numerous times and received tutorships from various famous virtuosi such as ZHANG Gao-xiang and LI Ling-ling. Tony is a four-time winner of the prestigious Kiwanis Music Festival of Toronto, Canada. He actively participates in performances and charitable events and has made remarkable contributions in promoting Chinese music overseas.
