
- 民族管弦樂《慶典序曲》作曲:趙季平,演奏:香港宏光國樂團及上海飛雲民族樂團,指揮:郭健明
- 民族管弦樂《北京喜訊到邊寨》作曲:鄭路、馬洪業,演奏:香港宏光國樂團及上海飛雲民族樂團,指揮:郭健明
- 民族管弦樂合奏《天行健》作曲:周成龍,樂團:香港宏光國樂團,指揮:黃俊彥 (2022.9.10)
- 民樂合奏《東海漁歌》作曲:馬聖龍、顧冠仁,演奏:香港宏光國樂團及上海飛雲民族樂團,指揮:郭健明
宏光國樂團成立於 1962 年,為香港歷史悠久及持續活躍的業餘中樂團體,以「宏揚國韻、光大漢聲」為宗旨,為發揚中國音樂而努力。宏光在上世紀六十年代以參加香港校際音樂節比賽屢次得獎而嶄露頭角。成立至今逾半世紀,累積成員超過三百人。
在推動香港中樂發展,宏光於 1981 年率先邀請中國內地音樂名家到香港合作演出。過去數十年曾邀請著名笛子演奏家陸春齡先生及俞遜發先生、琵琶演奏家湯良興先生及湯良洲先生、二胡演奏家顧彭壽先生、蕭白鏞先生、閔惠芬女士及朱昌耀先生、古琴演奏家龔一先生、指揮家夏飛雲先生、張大森先生及馬聖龍先生、作曲家顧冠仁先生、曾加慶先生及周成龍先生等蒞港演出多場音樂會,開創香港業餘音樂團體與內地音樂名家合作演出的先河,為香港中樂界掀起熱潮。
自 1992 年起,宏光每隔十年便舉辦規模較大的三十、四十、五十和六十周年紀念音樂會,與國內名家合作,探討不同的表演方式,更接受演出不同風格和難度的中樂名曲的挑戰。近年,宏光的年度音樂會在形式及選曲上,風格創新,屢獲好評:2014 年舉辦「彭家鵬揮舞經典」音樂會,演出多首經典和香港首演作品,觀眾座無虛席;2015 年 9 月及 2016 年元旦與上海飛雲民族樂團分別於香港及上海攜手演出「飛雲飄樂滬港宏光」音樂會,締造百人演出盛會,將兩地業餘樂團推至歷年合作的高峰。2021 年 7 月,宏光在新冠疫情稍緩時推出「霸王與貴妃-民樂戲曲交輝映」,一場兼有民樂與粵曲的音樂會,繞樑三日,為樂迷所津津樂道。
Wang Kwong Chinese Orchestra, established in 1962, is a long-standing and active amateur Chinese orchestra in Hong Kong. Its mission is to promote and develop Chinese music with the motto “Promoting Chinese Culture and Enriching the Sounds of Han.” Wang Kwong gained recognition in the 1960s by winning multiple awards in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Over the past half-century, the orchestra has accumulated over 300 members.
In the promotion of Chinese music in Hong Kong, Wang Kwong took the lead in 1981 by inviting renowned musicians from mainland China to collaborate and perform in Hong Kong. Over the decades, they have invited notable players such as flutists Mr. LU Chun-ling and Mr. YU Xun-fa, pipa players Mr. TANG Liang-xing and Mr. TANG Liang-zhou, erhu players Mr. GU Peng-shou, Mr. XIAO Bai-yong, Ms. MIN Hui-fen, and Mr. ZHU Chang-yao, guqin player Mr. GONG Yi, conductors Mr. XIA Fei-yun, Mr. ZHANG Da-sen, and Mr. MA Sheng-long, composers Mr. GU Guan-ren, Mr. ZENG Jia-qing, and Mr. ZHOU Cheng-long, among others, to perform numerous concerts in Hong Kong. They pioneered collaborations between amateur music groups in Hong Kong and renowned musicians from mainland China, igniting a wave of enthusiasm in the Chinese music scene in Hong Kong.
Since 1992, Wang Kwong has held larger-scale commemorative concerts every ten years, celebrating their 30th, 40th, 50th, and 60th anniversaries. These concerts feature collaborations with renowned musicians from mainland China, exploring different performance styles and accepting the challenge of performing renowned and challenging Chinese orchestral pieces. In recent years, Wang Kwong’s annual concerts have received acclaim for their innovative format and repertoire selection. In 2014, they held the “Pang Ka Pang Conducts Classics” concert, featuring classic and Hong Kong premiere works, which drew a full house. In September 2015 and on New Year’s Day 2016, they collaborated with the Shanghai Fei Yun Traditional Orchestra for the “Fei Yun Drifting Music: Wang Kwong in Shanghai and Hong Kong” concerts, creating a grand performance with a hundred musicians and reaching new heights in the long-standing collaboration between the two amateur orchestras. In July 2021, when the COVID-19 situation improved, Wang Kwong presented the “Emperor and Concubine: Chinese Music and Cantonese Opera” concert, which combined Chinese orchestral music and Cantonese opera. The concert received high praise, delighting music lovers.