劉炬 LIU Ju (1972~)
劉炬,國家一級指揮。現任中央芭蕾舞團常任指揮。1972年,出生於藝術世家,自幼學習音樂。 1987年,考入中央音樂學院附中,1991年,在徐新教授的指導下開始學習指揮。1992年考入上海音樂學院作曲指揮系,師從著名指揮家、教育家黃曉同教授和張國勇教授,同時隨馬革順學習合唱指揮。1997年初,他成功地在北京保利劇院與中央芭蕾舞團合作,指揮上演了中國芭蕾舞劇《紅色娘子軍》。1997年7月以優異的成績畢業於上海音樂學院即受聘進入中央芭蕾舞團,擔任交響樂團常任指揮至今。多年來他指揮上演了數量眾多的中外芭蕾經典劇目,其中包括《天鵝湖》、《睡美人》、《胡桃夾子》、《吉賽爾》、《舞姬》、《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《淚泉》、《仙女》、《海盜》、《紅色娘子軍》、《大紅燈籠高高掛》、《牡丹亭》、《鶴魂》、《敦煌》等。他與中央芭蕾舞團交響樂團一起出訪了英國、法國、新加坡、韓國、中國香港地區、中國澳門地區等諸多國家與地區。2013年9月劉炬應邀指揮法國法蘭西島國家交響樂團(Orchestre national d’Ile-de-France)與中央芭蕾舞團的演員在巴黎夏特萊劇院(Théatre du Châtelet)演出了《天鵝湖》。在芭蕾領域之外,劉炬的藝術生涯還涵蓋了交響樂、歌劇以及民樂領域。他曾與中央歌劇院交響樂團、中國電影樂團、上海交響樂團、上海廣播交響樂團、深圳交響樂團、浙江交響樂團、新疆愛樂樂團、浙江音樂學院交響樂團、台灣長榮交響樂團及香港小交響樂團等眾多交響樂團合作,又與中國廣播民族樂團、新加坡華樂團等海內外諸多民族樂團舉行音樂會。2000年7月,他還應邀訪美,在林肯中心演出了音樂會。 2011年、2013年兩次獲得文化部頒發的“國家藝術院團優秀劇目展演優秀指揮獎”。2015年7月,劉炬在義大利熱那亞指揮卡羅•費利切劇院交響樂團(Orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice)演出了6場芭蕾舞劇《吉賽爾》;7月,他又與中央芭蕾舞團一起在紐約的林肯中心上演了《紅色娘子軍》和《牡丹亭》,並指揮了中芭在美國的一系列巡迴演出。劉炬的指揮風格熱情、大方、嚴謹、準確,對不同風格的中外作品都能處理的細膩、得體、有很強的駕馭音樂的能力。
LIU Ju is a nationally certified conductor and currently serves as the resident conductor of the National Ballet of China. He was born in 1972 into an artistic family and started learning music from a young age. In 1987, he entered the Attached Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music. In 1991, under the guidance of Professor Xu Xin, he began studying conducting. In 1992, he was admitted to the Composition and Conducting Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he studied under the renowned conductor and educator Professor HUANG Xiao-tong and Professor ZHANG Guo-yong. He also studied choral conducting under MA Ge-shun. In early 1997, he successfully collaborated with the National Ballet of China, conducting the performance of the Chinese ballet “The Red Detachment of Women” at the Beijing Poly Theater. In July 1997, he graduated with excellent results from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and was hired by the National Ballet of China as the resident conductor of the symphony orchestra, a position he holds to this day.
Over the years, LIU Ju has conducted numerous Chinese and foreign ballet classics, including “Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Giselle”, “La Sylphide”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Tears”, “The Fairy”, “The Pirates”, “The Red Detachment of Women”, “Raise the Red Lantern”, “The Peony Pavilion”, “Crane Spirit”, “Dunhuang” and more. He has accompanied the National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra on tours to the United Kingdom, France, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau and other countries and regions.
In September 2013, LIU Ju was invited to conduct the Orchestre national d’Ile-de-France in collaboration with the dancers of the National Ballet of China, performing “Swan Lake” at the Théatre du Châtelet in Paris. Apart from the ballet field, LIU Ju’s artistic career also encompasses symphonic music, opera, and Chinese traditional music. He has collaborated with many symphony orchestras, including the China National Opera Symphony Orchestra, China Film Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Xinjiang Philharmonic Orchestra, Zhejiang Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, among others. He has also held concerts with various Traditional Chinese orchestras, such as the China National Traditional Orchestra and the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. In July 2000, he was invited to the United States, where he performed a concert at Lincoln Center.
In 2011 and 2013, LIU Ju received the “Outstanding Conductor Award” at the National Arts Troupe Outstanding Repertoire Exhibition presented by the Ministry of Culture. In July 2015, he conducted six performances of the ballet “Giselle” with the Orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, Italy. In the same month, he collaborated with the National Ballet of China to perform “The Red Detachment of Women” and “The Peony Pavilion” at Lincoln Center in New York, and conducted a series of touring performances by the National Ballet of China in the United States. LIU Ju’s conducting style is passionate, generous, rigorous, and precise. He has a delicate and appropriate handling of works from different styles and possesses a strong ability to master and interpret music.