南亭會樂團 Nan Ting Wui Cantonese Music Ensemble
樂團自成立以來,曾受邀赴中央音樂學院、中國音樂學院、天津音樂學院及受中國文化部委派赴荷蘭、德國、比利時等國巡演,以及亮相國內外的音樂節,至今已舉辦廣東音樂專場近30場。曾為星海音樂學院、廣州市文化館等機構錄製網路教學課程及發行《五架頭•粵樂精選》專輯等。在精研傳統演奏技藝的同時,也推出《萊村女》(房曉敏曲)、《踏雨心晴》(余樂夫曲)、《平湖秋月》等創編作品;2017年開創性地錄製了「絲竹粵樂•昔今和鳴」網路視聽專輯;2018年在廣東衛視《國樂大典》節目革新性地演繹《旱天雷》、《彩雲追月》、《神話》等,受到社會各界高度關注及好評;2019年受邀參演由廣東省委宣傳部主辦的《廣東省慶祝新中國成立70周年「國樂頌中華」民族音樂會》、2020年受邀在CCTV 《風華國樂》節目錄製多首經典樂曲。
Nan Ting Wui Cantonese Music Ensemble established in 2003, is a Cantonese music performance, composition, and research group led by contemporary gaohu player YU Le-fu and Cantonese music scholar and yangqin player WU Di. They collaborate with Chinese traditional music performers LI Zhi-cheng, LANG Ping, and TONG Shao-min, among others. The ensemble has received awards such as the Silver Award in the Chinese Traditional Instrumental Folk Music Combination Exhibition Performance and the Professional Group A Gold Award in the inaugural International Chinese Music Chamber Ensemble Competition in the “Traditional Folk Music Combination” category. Their artistic mission is to pass on traditions while promoting innovation, and each member has received guidance from renowned musicians such as TANG Kai-xuan, YU Qi-wei, YUAN De-ming, BU Can-rong, HUANG Ding-shi, CHEN Guo-chan, TAN Yan-jian, WU Guo-zhong, and WEN Chuan-ying.
Since its establishment, the ensemble has been invited to perform at the Central Conservatory of Music, China Conservatory of Music, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, and has been appointed by the Ministry of Culture of China to tour countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. They have also participated in music festivals both domestically and internationally, having organized nearly 30 Cantonese music concerts. They have recorded online teaching courses for institutions such as Xinghai Conservatory of Music and Guangzhou Cultural Center, as well as released albums such as “Wu Jia Tou: Cantonese Music Highlights”. While they deeply study traditional performing techniques, they have also created original compositions such as “Lai Cun Nü” (composed by FANG Xiao-min), “Ta Yu Xin Qing” (composed by YU Le-fu), and “Ping Hu Qiu Yue.” In 2017, they innovatively recorded the online audio-visual album “Silk and Bamboo Cantonese Music: Echoes of Past and Present”. In 2018, they performed groundbreaking interpretations of “Han Tian Lei”, “Cai Yun Zhui Yue”, and “Shen Hua” on Guangdong TV’s “Chinese Music Classic” program, receiving high attention and praise from various sectors of society. In 2019, they were invited to participate in the “National Music Celebrating China’s 70th Anniversary Concert” hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, and in 2020, they were invited to record several classic pieces for the CCTV program “Fenghua Chinese Music.”