中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive


字數曲目樂曲介紹Title形式演奏者 (介紹)作曲/編曲/出處樂曲編號
2樵歌—>Qiao Ge (Woodcutter’s Song)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02470
2長清—>Chang Qing (The Clearness in Grand)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02471
2流水—>Flowing Water 古琴獨奏呂培原天聞閣琴譜V1002-02561
2酒狂—>Man Crazy for Wine古琴獨奏呂培原神奇秘譜V1002-02565
2流水—>Flowing Water古琴獨奏李祥霆管平湖演奏譜V1002-03037
2欸乃—>Sound of Rowing a Boat 古琴獨奏李祥霆天聞閣琴譜V1002-03039
2酒狂—>Man Crazy for Wine古琴獨奏李祥霆神奇秘譜V1002-03041
2流水—>Flowing Water古琴獨奏喬珊大還閣琴譜V1002-03183
2幽蘭—>Orchid in Seclusion古琴獨奏吳文光古逸叢書V1002-V0002
2漁歌—>Song of the Fisherman古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1002-V0003
2流水—>Liu Shui (Flowing Water)古琴獨奏吳文光天聞閣琴譜V1002-02475
2秋鴻—>Qiu Hong (Autumn Geese)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02476
2離騷—>Li Sao (Departed Sorrow)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02479
2陽春—>Yang Chun (Sunny Spring)古琴獨奏吳文光誠一堂琴譜V1002-02481
2酒狂—>Jiu Kuang (Drunkenness)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02463
2古怨—>Gu Yuan (Ancient Sorrow)古琴獨奏吳文光白石道人歌曲V1002-02466
2樵歌—>Qiao Ge (Woodcutter’s Song)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02470
2長清—>Chang Qing (The Clearness in Grand)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1002-02471
2關雎—>Guan Ju (Ospreys)古琴獨奏吳文光松弦館琴譜V1002-02488
2漁歌—>Yu Ge (Song of the Fisherman)古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1002-02485
3古風操—>Gu Feng Cao (The Tune of Antiquity)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02467
3神人暢—>Shen Ren Chang (The Song of King Yao)古琴獨奏吳文光西麓堂琴統V1003-02468
3秋塞吟—>Qiu Sai Yin (Song of the Autumn Frontier)古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1003-02469
3憶故人—>Memories of an Old Friend古琴獨奏呂培原理琴軒琴譜V1003-02563
3良宵引—>Tune for a Peaceful Night古琴獨奏呂培原天聞閣琴譜V1003-02564
3長門怨—>Mourning at Chang Men Palace古琴獨奏李祥霆查阜西演奏譜V1003-03040
3憶故人—>Memories of an Old Friend古琴獨奏李祥霆今虞琴刊譜V1003-03042
3廣陵散—>Guang Ling Verse (Guangling San)古琴獨奏喬珊神奇秘譜V1003-03185
3遁世操—>Song of a Recluse古琴獨奏成公亮神奇秘譜V1003-V0004
3長門怨—>Lament at Chang Men Palace古琴獨奏龔一梅庵琴譜V1003-V0005
3釵頭鳳—>Phoenix Hairpin琴歌喬珊王迪曲、唐婉詞V1103-V0006
3烏夜啼—>Wu Yie Ti (Raven’s Cry at Dusk)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02473
3憶故人—>Yi Gu Ren (Thinking of an Old Friend)古琴獨奏吳文光理琴軒舊藏本V1003-02474
3普庵咒—>Pu An Zhou (The Incantation of Ch’an Priest Pu’an)古琴獨奏吳文光六十四琴齋本V1003-02478
3湘江怨—>Xiang Jiang Yuan (Lament of the Xiang Ladies)古琴獨奏吳文光閩江盧氏本V1003-02460
3長門怨—>Chang Men Yuan (Miserable Song of the Chang Men Palace)古琴獨奏吳文光梅庵琴譜V1003-02464
3泛滄浪—>Fan Cang Lang (Itineration)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02465
3古風操—>Gu Feng Cao (The Tune of Antiquity)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02467
3神人暢—>Shen Ren Chang (The Song of King Yao)古琴獨奏吳文光西麓堂琴統V1003-02468
3秋塞吟—>Qiu Sai Yin (Song of the Autumn Frontier)古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1003-02469
3廣陵散—>Guang Ling San (Ode to Guangling)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02487
3小胡笳—>Xiao Hu Jia (Little Tune of the Barbarian Pipe)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02489
3大胡笳—>Da Hu Jia (Grand Tune of the Barbarian Pipe)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1003-02490
3遯世操—>Song of a Recluse (Dunshi Cao)古琴獨奏成公亮神奇秘譜V1003-02375
3華胥引—>Song of Hua Xu (Huaxu Yin)古琴獨奏姚丙炎神奇秘譜V1003-03011
4漁樵問答—>A Dialogue between a Fisherman and a Woodcutter 古琴獨奏呂培原琴學入門V1004-02562
4醉漁唱晚—>Evening Song of the Drunhen Fisherman古琴獨奏呂培原張孔山傳譜V1004-02566
4陽關三疊—>Song of Yangguan古琴獨奏李祥霆琴學入門V1004-03038
4瀟湘水雲—>Mist and Cloud over the Xiao-Xiang Rivers古琴獨奏龔一五知齋琴譜V1004-V0007
4洞庭秋思—>Autumn Sentiments on Lake Dongting古琴獨奏丁承運松絃館琴譜、二香琴譜等合參V1004-V0008
4陽關三疊—>Song of Yangguan琴歌喬珊琴學入門譜V1104-V0010
4梅花三弄—>Three Variations of Plum Blossom琴簫合奏李蓬蓬、李祥霆琴譜諧聲V1204-03046
4列子御風—>Liezi Yufeng (Liezi Riding on the Wind)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1004-02472
4墨子悲絲—>Mo Tzu Bei Si (Mo Tzu Lament over Silk Dyeing)古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1004-02477
4陽關三疊—>Yang Guan San Die (Parting at Yang Guan)古琴獨奏吳文光琴學入門V1004-02461
4梅花三弄—>Mei Hua San Long (Triple Thematic Statement of “Plum Blossom”)古琴獨奏吳文光琴譜諧聲V1004-02482
4禹會塗山—>Yuhui Tushan (King Yu Assembles His Lords at Mount Tu)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1004-02483
4瀟湘水雲—>Xiao Xiang Shui Yun (The Mist and Clouds over the Rivers Xiao and Xiang)古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1004-02484
4漁樵問答—>Yu Qiao Wen Da (A Dialogue between a Fisherman and a Woodcutter)古琴獨奏吳文光琴學入門V1004-02486
4屈原問渡—>Quyuan Seeks Advice (Quyuan Wendu)古琴獨奏姚丙炎、陳重、黃玲、高志遠西麓堂琴統V1004-03009
5秋月照茅亭—>Qiu Yue Zhao Mao ting (The Autumn Moon over a Thatched Pavilion)古琴獨奏吳文光神奇秘譜V1005-02462
5胡笳十八拍—>Hu Jia Shi Ba Po (Barbarian Reedpipe in Eighteen Sections)古琴獨奏吳文光五知齋琴譜V1005-02491
6碣石調•幽蘭—>Jie Shi Diao•You Lan (Solitary Orchidin the Mode of Jieshi)古琴獨奏吳文光古逸叢書V1002-02480
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