A0010 吳華 WU Hua(1942年7月29日~2020年6月1日)
吳華,作曲家、指揮家(國家一級)。中國音樂家協會會員、曾任中國戲曲音樂學會副會長、中國民樂指揮專業委員會理事、中國民族管弦樂學會常務理事、中國戲曲學院教授、研究生導師、北京京胡研究會副會長。1942年7月29日,出生於四川重慶,原籍哈爾濱。自60年代起曾師從秦鵬章、史介綿、李執恭先生學習指揮;師從張文綱、趙宋光先生學習作曲理論;師從劉吉典先生學習戲曲創作;師從馮子存、王鐵錘、胡海泉、安如礪諸多名家學習各種民族樂器的演奏。吳華先生自創作以來,至今已有二千餘首作品問世,有數百首各類音樂作品在中央電視台、中央廣播電台、北京電視台及地方電視台播映。其代表作《梨園樂魂》交響協奏曲系列在中國樂壇上是為人稱道、獨樹一幟的,其中《虞美人組曲》、《白蛇傳交響組曲》、《天仙配幻想曲》、《包龍圖傳奇》、《牡丹亭組曲》、《林則徐懷想》等曲目,曾多次選入中央電視台春節戲曲晚會和各種重大慶典音樂會之中。其他主要作品包括:笛子曲《老工人講的故事》(1964) 、京胡曲《夜深沉》(1990) 、交響組曲《白蛇傳》(1994) 、歌曲《大江東去浪千疊》、《漁翁》、《人約黃昏後》(1996) 、古箏合奏《馨馨茉莉花》(2010) 、古箏合奏《我的祖國》(2012) 。吳華先生的作品多次與中央民族樂團、中央廣播民族樂團、中國歌劇舞劇院民族樂團、中央交響樂團、上海民族樂團以及新加波華樂團、新加波武裝部隊華樂團、香港中樂團、台北市立國樂團、高雄國樂團等合作,得到了廣泛的傳播和聽眾的喜愛。2016年榮獲中國文化部、中國民族管弦樂學會頒發的“民樂藝術終身貢獻獎”。吳華先生於2020年6月1日,因病在重慶去世,享年77歲。
Wu Hua (July 29, 1942 – June 1, 2020) was a composer and conductor from China. He was a member of the Chinese Musicians Association and served as the Vice President of the Chinese Society for Traditional Music, Director of the Chinese Traditional Orchestra Conducting Professional Committee, Executive Director of the Chinese Society for Traditional Orchestral Music, Professor at the Chinese Traditional Academy of Music, and Vice President of the Beijing Jinghu Research Association. He was born on July 29, 1942, in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, and was originally from Harbin.
Starting from the 1960s, WU Hua studied conducting under QIN Peng-zhang, SHI Jie-mian, and LI Zhi-gong. He learned composition theory from ZHANG Wen-gang and ZHAO Song-guang, and studied opera composition under LIU Ji-dian. He also learned to play various traditional musical instruments from FENG Zi-cun, WANG Tie-chui, HU Hai-quan, and AN Ru-li.
Since he started composing, WU Hua has produced over two thousand works, with hundreds of them being broadcasted on China Central Television, China National Radio, Beijing Television, and local television stations. His notable work, the “Orchestral Concerto Series: Pear Garden Soul”, has received widespread acclaim in the Chinese music industry. The series includes compositions such as “Suite: The Legend of Yu the Beauty”, “Symphonic Suite: The Legend of White Snake”, “Fantasia: The Celestial Maiden”, “Legend of Bao Longtu”, “Suite: The Peony Pavilion”, and “Reflections on Lin Zexu”. These pieces have been selected multiple times for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and various major celebratory concerts.
Other significant works by WU Hua include the Dizi piece “The Story Told by an Old Worker” (1964), Jinghu piece “Deep Night” (1990), Symphonic Suite “The Legend of White Snake” (1994), songs like “The Mighty River Flows East” and “The Fisherman” (1996), Guzheng ensemble pieces “Fragrant Jasmine Flower” (2010) and “My Motherland” (2012).
WU Hua’s compositions have been performed and widely recognized by ensembles such as the China National Traditional Orchestra, China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra, China National Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Traditional Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, as well as the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Armed Forces Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Taipei Chinese Orchestra, and Kaohsiung Chinese Orchestra.
In 2016, he was honored with the “Lifetime Achievement Award in Traditional Music” by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Society for Traditional Orchestral Music. WU Hua passed away on June 1, 2020, in Chongqing at the age of 77 due to illness.