中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

山西絳州鼓樂藝術團     自一九八八年創立以來,堅持不離其宗,不丟其色,不失其味,不失其時,面向大眾,面向未來,廣覽博採相容並蓄,橫向海納百川,縱向一脈相承,為我所用,揚我所長,為民族打擊樂現代化和現代打擊樂民族化,勇於挑戰,敢於拼博,善於進取,率先將民間鑼鼓推上舞台,把絳州鼓樂帶向鼎新,編創了一批優秀鼓樂新曲,造就了一批傑出青年鼓手,成為中國民族打擊樂的生力軍。一九九二年全國民間音樂舞蹈比賽決賽,《秦王點兵》榮獲大獎最高分,《滾核桃》榮獲一等獎,並分別榮獲第二屆群星獎(國家政府獎)金獎和銀獎;二○○○年,《啦呱》、《老鼠娶親》榮獲第九屆群星金獎;二○○一年,《晉南花鼓》榮獲第十屆群星獎金獎;二○○四年,《黃河船夫》榮獲第十三屆群星獎金獎,榮登榜首。在全國性的一九九六年北京中華民間鑼鼓擂台賽、一九九七年,廣州萬寶路賀歲鑼鼓大賽、二○○四年,連雲港中國民族鼓樂精英賽、二○○四年,哈爾濱鼓舞龍江大賽,連折桂冠。曾參加了首都國慶五十周年、中國藝術節、上海國際藝術節、中國民間藝術節、上海之春、哈爾濱之夏、音樂家舞台、名人名作系列和中央電視台春節音樂歌舞晚會、文化部春節文藝晚會等重大演出;在北京音樂廳、上海大劇院、上海音樂廳、蘭心大劇院、廣州星海音樂廳、深圳大劇院、哈爾濱音樂廳、杭州人民大會堂成功舉辦了音樂會;遠赴丹麥、摩洛哥、馬來西亞、新加坡、韓國等國和香港、澳門、台灣巡演、此間,丹麥女王、馬來西亞、摩洛哥國家元首、首相觀看演出,受到了國內外觀眾和論界高度評價。中外有十餘家電視台製作專題,上百家的報刊發表評介文章。

Shanxi Jiang Zhou Music Art Group This group was founded in 1988. It aimed at modernising the folk percussion and at the same time, mixing the modem percussion to folk type. It was the first group to hold a percussion concert on the stage and had composed many percussion pieces and brought up a number of young percussion performers. In 1992, their famous work ‘King Qin Counts the Soldiers’got the highest score in the Chinese Music and Dance Competition. Also other pieces won various awards in different festivals and competitions. This group had showed up in TV and other important occasions and toured around in many countries, including holding concerts for Presidents and Royal family members. Over 100 medias had made report about its special performance allover the world.
