中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

音像库 Audio-Video Archives

柳浪聞鶯 廣東音樂:廣東民間音樂團 AA304-01965
Oriole sings besides the Willow Waves, performed by Guangdong Folk Music Acrobatics Group
中花六板 江南絲竹:上海民族樂團 AA404-01962
Zhong Hua Liu Ban, performed by Shanghai Chinese Orchestra
昭君怨 客家音樂:星海音樂學院–饒寧新等 AAM03-01968
Misery of Lady Zhaojun, performed by Xinghai Conservatory - RAO Ning-xin, etc.
京調 小組奏:上海民族樂團 AA202-01960
Tune of Beijing, performed by Shanghai Chinese Orchestra
紫竹調 小組奏:新影樂團 AA203-A0003
Purple Bamboo Tune, performed by Chinese Movie Traditional Orchestra
春天來了 三重奏 AA204-01980
唐毓斌(高胡) 雷雨聲(古箏) 尹其穎(古箏) Spring Is Coming, Trio by TANG Yu-bin (Gaohu), LEI Yu-sheng
絲竹新韻 小組奏:華韻九芳樂團 AA404-01963
New Sound of Sizhu, performed by Ladies’ Ensemble of Chinese Music
蘇堤漫步 小組奏:東方魅力樂團 AA404-01964
Walk along Su Riverbank, performed by Oriental Angels Ensemble